Jafar RezaeiSenior Frontend DeveloperI want it in my terminal! Proficiency in the terminal enhances efficiency and opens up a world of opportunities with handy tools and quick commands. Published onOctober 10, 2023terminaldevelopmentgeek
Lars JanssenDeveloperVue 3 composition API in a nutshell Vue 3 has been launched with the composition API. In this article we dive deeper into this subject and compare it with the options API (old way). Published onNovember 1, 2022developmentfrontendVue-2Vue-3
Massimiliano ScifoSenior Backend DeveloperRedis VS MongoDB VS Cassandra Are the NoSQL databases all the same? If not, what are the differences (and why should you care)? A quick comparison chat between Redis, MongoDB and Cassandra Published onAugust 12, 2022developmentdatabase
Niels MatthijsFrontend DeveloperIntroducing technical debt Are you tired of seeing good websites go to waste? Do you want to keep your codebase clean, but you have no idea where to start? Ever wondered how a small change request or simple bugfix turned into an endless game of whack-a-mole? Monitoring technical debt can provide a way out. Published onJuly 28, 2022developmentcode-quality
Vince LiemSenior Frontend Consultant & AI expertOpenAI GPT-3Cloud OccupantHow natural language AI can benefit developers In this first part we will look at how natural language AI can offer developers a lot of benefits, from helping them write code to writing this blog post. Here, we will introduce you to two of the most popular natural language AI tools, OpenAI GPT-3 and GitHub Copilot, and discuss some of the best use cases for each. Published onJuly 25, 2022developmentAI