Maarten Van HoofDeveloper Advocate & FrontendReal live example of OpenAPI in a front-end project Published onFebruary 3, 2023frontendAPIArchitecture
Maarten Van HoofDeveloper Advocate & FrontendLet your RESTful API development soar with OpenAPI tooling Because the OpenAPI specification is a specification, just like the EcmaScript, HTML or CSS specification, we can reliably build tooling upon it. This tooling allows us to optimise our OpenAPI workflows and let us save precious time. Published onFebruary 1, 2023frontendAPIArchitecture
Maarten Van HoofDeveloper Advocate & FrontendOpenAPI, the equalizer of API providers and consumers How would you incorporate OpenAPI within your project? In this chapter, we'll explore the two main approaches to using OpenAPI and the benefits of each workflow. Published onJanuary 31, 2023frontendAPIArchitecture
Maarten Van HoofDeveloper Advocate & FrontendLet me introduce you to OpenAPI OpenAPI allows us to improve effeciency between teams and interdependent projects. It allows us to describe our API in a single document. In this part of the series, we will take you through the most important parts of an OpenAPI document. Published onJanuary 11, 2023frontendAPIArchitecture
Maarten Van HoofDeveloper Advocate & FrontendOpenAPI, a contract for RESTFul APIs To optimize project effeciency and to ensure a good communication between teams, we need contracts for our APIs. In this article, I will explain what the OpenAPI specification is and how it can help us to create contracts for our RESTful APIs. Published onJanuary 7, 2023frontendAPIArchitecture
Saeed SalehiSenior Backend Developer .Net TeamAPI Management in Azure Cheatsheets Published onNovember 7, 2022azureaz-204cheatsheetcertificationexamapi