Michelle van der LindeFull-stack Software EngineerExploring the Trio: My Journey with Kotlin, Kafka, and Docker In this blog, I share my experience of learning Kotlin, Kafka, and Docker while building a Spring-boot application. Join me on this journey as I explore these technologies and provide insights into my project approach, technology integration, and what i like to call the minimum business logic approach. Published onAugust 14, 2024kotlinkafkadockerbackend
Ruud NimourSoftware EngineerClear and Concise Concurrency with Coroutines in Kotlin Learn some Kotlin basics and how to easily use coroutines to write parallelized code cleanly according to structured concurrency. Published onJuly 3, 2024kotlinconcurrencycoroutinesbackend
Zakaria TaissateFull-stack Software Engineer & Team Captain5 Things I wish I knew before using Firestore You want to try out Cloud Firestore as a database solution? Here are five insights I wish I knew before starting with Firestore's NoSQL database. Published onMay 10, 2024FirestoreFirebaseBackendFull-stackdatabases
Léo SchneiderSoftware EngineerMehmet Akif TütüncüSenior Software EngineerReactive Backend Applications with Spring Boot, Kotlin and Coroutines (Part 2) An exploration of Kotlin and coroutines to have a Spring reactive application written in direct style Published onJanuary 10, 2023javakotlinreactivebackendcoroutinesspring
Mehmet Akif TütüncüSenior Software EngineerLéo SchneiderSoftware EngineerReactive Backend Applications with Spring Boot, Kotlin and Coroutines (Part 1) This 2-part article is about going from a traditional MVC-style Spring Boot application written in Java to a modern, functional, reactive Spring Boot application using Kotlin and Coroutines. Published onJanuary 9, 2023reactivebackendspringkotlincoroutinesjava
Luuk RijnbendeSenior Frontend ConsultantPortability of applications between Node, Deno & Bun Ever since the introduction of Bun there are three runtimes to choose from when wanting to develop and run a JavaScript server. Node was the one that started it all and most applications are designed to run on that, but how would those applications fare running on the other runtimes, are they really a drop-in replacement? Published onNovember 25, 2022backendfullstacknodedenobunexpressnuxtnextangular