Exploring the Trio: My Journey with Kotlin, Kafka, and Docker

By Michelle van der Linde

6 min read

In this blog, I share my experience of learning Kotlin, Kafka, and Docker while building a Spring-boot application. Join me on this journey as I explore these technologies and provide insights into my project approach, technology integration, and what i like to call the minimum business logic approach.

Exploring the Trio: My Journey with Kotlin, Kafka, and Docker

As any software engineer, I get excited with new tech and also interesting business ideas... my creative mind normally takes off. The project that I'm referring to in this blog revolves around money being sent from one part of the world to another part of the world instantly with a massive reduction in costs or at least that is the dream. My thinking was if the banks in the same country can process transactions without charging transaction fees why can't we do this worldwide?

Let's dive into my project approach and how I integrated Kotlin, Kafka, and Docker.

Project Approach

I started this project to learn Kotlin, Kafka, and Docker and wanted a great business idea as well.

The aim is clear right, however, this was what I ended up spending most of my time on:

  • Designing, and re-designing the architectural plan
  • Deciding between H2 or an SQL database
  • Designing database
  • Designing APIs
  • Building business logic
  • Debugging to see where things went wrong

Sounds familiar.... although the above is very important it did create a lot of overhead which derailed me from my main objective which was to learn cool technologies. So I took a Minimum Business logic approach while incorporating Verification of Implementation throughout the development process.

For me, the Minimum Business logic was :

  • To create a single endpoint in the ProducerApp that accepts an object
  • Place that object on a topic in Kafka
  • Enable the ConsumerApp to listen to the topic and print out the object
  • Then dockerize everything

With that in mind, I created checkpoints to verify that each technology works as expected and is well-integrated. This created a clear view of what I was busy with currently and if something broke I knew at which point this might have gone wrong. After I configured the technologies to communicate with each other I could now proceed to implementing the business logic knowing that my base is well-defined.

Technology Integration


Kotlin is a programming language that makes coding concise, cross-platform, and fun. To learn more https://kotlinlang.org/

I've been a Java developer for over 10 years, but I must admit the one thing that stands out for me the most is the ease of writing and reading the code. The ? symbol has been my favorite up until now. It indicates that this field can be NULL or that this function could return a NULL object.

data class YourEntity (
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    var id: Long?,
    var someField: String

When reading Kotlin you will find the most important information is right at the start. Just look at the code below - this is a method that takes one parameter and returns an object that could be NULL. I mean how nice is that!

fun someMethodName(fieldName: String) : YourObject? {
    return someRepository.getYourObjectByFieldName(fieldName)

The same goes for configuring a Kafka Producer & Consumer, it is just so easy in Kotlin. The first line of code says this is a class called Producer, and it takes in a KafkaTemplate map of key String and value YourObject. That's it, now you can invoke the methods on that KafkaTemplate.

class Producer(private val kafkaTemplate: KafkaTemplate<String, YourObject>) {
    fun yourMethodName(dto: YourObjectDto) {
        kafkaTemplate.send(YOUR_TOPIC_NAME, dto)

On the Consumer part it gets even easier, just annotate your method with @KakaListener and provide some details such as the topic and the groupId and that's it.

class Consumer(private val yourService: YourService) {
    @KafkaListener(topics = [YOUR_TOPIC], groupId = YOUR_GROUP_ID)
    fun yourMethodName(dto: YourObjectDto) {
        // your business logic


Apache Kafka is a distributed event store and stream-processing platform. To learn more https://kafka.apache.org/

To configure Kafka in your projects is very easy. The ProducerApp is used to produce messages onto a Kafka topic and for that, you need to provide Spring with some config like where Kafka is running and what the type for the key and value is.

    bootstrap-servers: localhost:9092
    key-serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
    value-serializer: org.springframework.kafka.support.serializer.JsonSerializer

The ConsumerApp is responsible for reading the messages from the Kafka topic and for this, you also need to similar config. You will notice an additional config the auto-offset-reset that tells the consumer where to start reading from the Kafka topic.

    bootstrap-servers: localhost:9092
    auto-offset-reset: earliest
    key-deserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
    value-deserializer: org.springframework.kafka.support.serializer.ErrorHandlingDeserializer

To be able to use Kafka in your Springboot project you also need to add the following in your pom.xml of both ProducerApp & ConsumerApp.

<dependency> <!--Only used for testing purposes-->


In short, docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. To learn more https://www.docker.com/

If we take an example of a physical shop in the city that sells hotdogs if we had to dockerize this it would become a truck that has the appliances built in and contains all the products it requires to sell hotdogs. The Hotdog shop is no longer bound to the city it can now sell hotdogs in multiple places. Now to dockerize your application all you need is a Dockerfile & DockerCompose, this will ensure that your application has what it needs to be able to run anywhere.

  1. The Dockerfile (no extensions) is a set of instructions that needs to be executed to assemble an image.
FROM bellsoft/liberica-openjdk-alpine:21.0.3

WORKDIR /usr/share/app

COPY target/*.jar app.jar

CMD ["java","-jar", "app.jar"]
  1. The Docker Compose is a YAML file that is used to define all your services and allows you with a single command to start everything together docker-compose up and also tear it all down docker-compose down. Note these commands should be executed in the directory where the docker-compose file is located. In this docker-compose, we describe Zookeeper, Kafka, and our two microservices.
version: '3'
  image: 'bitnami/zookeeper:latest'
    - '2181:2181'
    - 'host.docker.internal:host-gateway'

    image: 'bitnami/kafka:latest'
      - '9092:9092'
      - 'host.docker.internal:host-gateway'
      - KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=zookeeper:2181
      - zookeeper

    build: /producerapp/.
    image: producerapp
      - '8080:8080'
      - 'host.docker.internal:host-gateway'
      - KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER=kafka:9092

    build: /consumerApp/.
    image: consumerapp
      - '8081:8081'
      - 'host.docker.internal:host-gateway'
      - KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER=kafka:9092

Key things to mention here

To enable communication between your microservices and Kafka you have to supply the config through the environment variables.

  • Take note that the ports are different for your microservices

  • This automatically takes care of building the images of your microservices just ensure you supply the correct directory

build: /consumerApp/.


Looking back on this journey I found three things that hampered me in moving forward and that was not having a clear enough goal, not sticking to it, and adding too much business logic to the application. Goals are important, we all know that and yet when diving into new tech it disappears into the background, well that's what happened to me. I also overcomplicated the project with a lot of business logic. This experience taught me that you only need the bare minimum business logic to be able to complete this kind of learning and remember to verify your implementation as you code. Ensuring each piece worked on its own and then integrating them one by one ensured that when troubleshooting arose I could easily pinpoint where the problem was.

If I had to start this project again I would throw the business idea out of the window and just ensure that the ProducerApp can place a DTO on a Kafka topic and that the ConsumerApp can read that DTO and log it. That's it, nothing more, the objective would have been achieved and I would've had more time diving deeper into other Kafka config properties.

I hope that my experience assists you in how you can approach your next tech upskill. Happy learning!

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    PLEASE RSVP SO THAT WE KNOW HOW MUCH FOOD WE WILL NEED Are you and your team struggling with event-driven microservices? Join us for a meetup with Mehmet Akif Tütüncü, a senior software engineer, who has given multiple great talks so far and Allard Buijze founder of CTO and founder of AxonIQ, who built the fundaments of the Axon Framework. RSVP for an evening of learning, delicious food, and the fusion of creativity and tech! 🚀 18:00 – 🚪 Doors open to the public 18:15 – 🍕 Let’s eat 19:00 – 📢 Getting Your Axe On Event Sourcing with Axon Framework 20:00 – 🍹 Small break 20:15 – 📢 Event-Driven Microservices - Beyond the Fairy Tale 21:00 – 🙋‍♀️ drinks 22:00 – 🍻 See you next time? Details: Getting Your Axe On - Event Sourcing with Axon Framework In this presentation, we will explore the basics of event-driven architecture using Axon Framework. We'll start by explaining key concepts such as Event Sourcing and Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), and how they can improve the scalability and maintainability of modern applications. You will learn what Axon Framework is, how it simplifies implementing these patterns, and see hands-on examples of setting up a project with Axon Framework and Spring Boot. Whether you are new to these concepts or looking to understand them more, this session will provide practical insights and tools to help you build resilient and efficient applications. Event-Driven Microservices - Beyond the Fairy Tale Our applications need to be faster, better, bigger, smarter, and more enjoyable to meet our demanding end-users needs. In recent years, the way we build, run, and operate our software has changed significantly. We use scalable platforms to deploy and manage our applications. Instead of big monolithic deployment applications, we now deploy small, functionally consistent components as microservices. Problem. Solved. Right? Unfortunately, for most of us, microservices, and especially their event-driven variants, do not deliver on the beautiful, fairy-tale-like promises that surround them.In this session, Allard will share a different take on microservices. We will see that not much has changed in how we build software, which is why so many “microservices projects” fail nowadays. What lessons can we learn from concepts like DDD, CQRS, and Event Sourcing to help manage the complexity of our systems? He will also show how message-driven communication allows us to focus on finding the boundaries of functionally cohesive components, which we can evolve into microservices should the need arise.

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    PLEASE RSVP SO THAT WE KNOW HOW MUCH FOOD WE WILL NEED What distinguishes a software developer from a software team lead? As a team leader, you are responsible for people, their performance, and motivation. Your output is the output of your team. Whether you are a front-end or back-end developer, or any other discipline that wants to grow into the role of a tech lead, RSVP for an evening of learning, delicious food, and the fusion of leadership and tech! 🚀 18:00 – 🚪 Doors open to the public 18:15 – 🍕 Let’s eat 19:00 – 📢 First round of Talks 19:45 – 🍹 Small break 20:00 – 📢 Second round of Talks 20:45 – 🙋‍♀️ drinks 21:00 – 🍻 See you next time? First Round of Talks: Pixel Perfect and Perfectly Insane: About That Time My Brain Just Switched Off Remy Parzinski, Design System Lead at Logius Learn from Remy how you can care for yourself because we all need to. Second Round of Talks: Becoming a LeadDev at your client; How to Fail at Large (or How to Do Slightly Better) Arno Koehler Engineering Manager @ iO What are the things that will help you become a lead engineer? Building Team Culture (Tales of trust and positivity) Michel Blankenstein Engineering Manager @ iO & Head of Technology @ Zorggenoot How do you create a culture at your company or team? RSVP now to secure your spot, and let's explore the fascinating world of design systems together!

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  • Coven of Wisdom - Herentals - Spring `24 edition

    Join us for an exciting web technology meetup where you’ll get a chance to gain valuable insights and knowledge about the latest trends in the field. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to expand your knowledge, network with fellow developers, and discover new and exciting possibilities. And the best part? Food and drinks are on us! Johan Vervloet - Event sourced wiezen; an introduction to Event Sourcing and CQRS Join me on a journey into the world of CQRS and Event Sourcing! Together we will unravel the misteries behind these powerful concepts, by exploring a real-life application: a score app for the 'Wiezen' card game.Using examples straight from the card table, we will delve into the depths of event sourcing and CQRS, comparing them to more traditional approaches that rely on an ORM.We will uncover the signs in your own database that indicate where event sourcing can bring added value. I will also provide you with some tips and pointers, should you decide to embark on your own event sourcing adventure. Filip Van Reeth - WordPress API; "Are you talking to me?" What if the WordPress API could be one of your best friends? What kind of light-hearted or profound requests would it share with you? In this talk, I would like to introduce you to it and ensure that you become best friends so that together you can have many more pleasant conversations (calls). Wanna be friends? Please note that the event or talks will be conducted in Dutch. Want to give a talk? Send us your proposal at meetup.herentals@iodigital.com 18:00 - 19:00: Food/Drinks/Networking 19:00 - 21:00: Talks 21:00 - 22:00: Networking Thursday 30th of May, 18h00 - 22h00 CET iO Campus Herentals, Zavelheide 15, Herentals

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