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Avatar of Jafar Rezaei

Jafar Rezaei

Senior Frontend Developer

Avatar of Lucien Immink

Lucien Immink

Software Architect & Developer Advocate

Avatar of Dave Bitter

Dave Bitter

Google Developer Expert Web & Developer Advocate

Avatar of Ayo Ayco

Ayo Ayco

Senior Frontend Developer

Avatar of Mohamad Shiralizadeh

Mohamad Shiralizadeh

Senior Frontend Developer

Avatar of Vince Liem

Vince Liem

Senior Frontend Consultant & AI expert

Welcome to our impressive collection of talks! Explore a world where authority in Frontend/Backend development converges with the latest trends. Our passionate speakers will take you on a journey through the fascinating realm of technology, sharing their profound knowledge and expertise. As leading engineers working with top-tier clients, including enterprise environments, we are well-versed in what's happening in the market.

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Some of our most popular talks

  • Generative AI: An anything-to-anything translation device

    Why is there an AI explosion all of the sudden? Didn't AI exists for ages? Why is everyone talking about it now? What is the difference between classical AI and generative AI? This talk is about how you should see Large Language Models or Generative AI to make it as productive as possible. And I will drive that point to its technical limits.

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    avatar Vince Liem

    Vince Liem

    Senior Frontend Consultant & AI expert

  • CSS got more exciting!

    Last year was an exciting time for CSS as several amazing features were shipped to the browser in the CSS world. These features have unlocked a whole new realm of possibilities for web designers and developers. From advanced layout techniques to complex animations, there is now so much more that can be achieved with CSS. Staying up-to-date with these cool features is essential for any web designer or developer who wants to push the boundaries of their creativity. By learning from these new features, you can unleash your inner artist and take your next project to the next level. So, make sure to stay tuned to the latest developments in the world of CSS and keep pushing yourself to explore new and exciting possibilities!

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    avatar Mohamad Shiralizadeh

    Mohamad Shiralizadeh

    Senior Frontend Developer

  • Introduction to Astro

    Astro is a new kind of static site builder. Astro combines decades of proven performance best practices with the DX improvements of the component-oriented era. Use your favorite JavaScript framework and automatically ship the bare-minimum amount of JavaScript—by default.

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    avatar Ayo Ayco

    Ayo Ayco

    Senior Frontend Developer

  • Microfrontends: The Controversy

    What is the purpose of micro frontends compared to microservices? What are the different tools available, and why don't they offer what microservices provide on the backend? Here is an alternative that provides this based on basic web principles.

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    avatar Albert Groothedde

    Albert Groothedde

    Software Engineer & Developer Advocate

  • React Server Components

    React Server Components is an experimental feature being developed by the React team at Facebook. It aims to allow developers to build components that can be rendered on the server and sent over the network to be hydrated on the client side. This approach is different from traditional client-side rendering, where the entire component tree is sent to the client and rendered there. The motivation behind React Server Components is to improve the performance of server-side rendering (SSR) by reducing the amount of JavaScript that needs to be sent to the client. With React Server Components, only the necessary components and data are transmitted, resulting in smaller and faster initial page loads.

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    avatar Jafar Rezaei

    Jafar Rezaei

    Senior Frontend Developer

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