Implement Azure Security Cheatsheet

By Saeed Salehi

3 min read


Azure Key Vault

Supports vaults and managed hardware security module(HSM) pools

service tiers:

  • Standard: encrypts with a software key
  • Premium: hardware security module(HSM)-protected keys


To do any operations with Key Vault, you first need to authenticate to it

  • Managed identities for Azure resources
  • Service principal and certificate
  • Service principal and secret

Create a key vault

az keyvault create --name $myKeyVault --resource-group az204-vault-rg --location $myLocation

Create a secret

az keyvault secret set --vault-name $myKeyVault --name "ExamplePassword" --value "hVFkk965BuUv"

retrieve the secret

az keyvault secret show --name "ExamplePassword" --vault-name $myKeyVault

Managed identities

Types of managed identities:

  • system-assigned managed identity
  • user-assigned managed identity (independent lifecycle than a Azure resource)

Create System-assigned managed identity

during creation of an resources by specifying these parameters:

 --assign-identity \
    --role contributor \
    --scope mySubscription \

system-assigned identity to an existing virtual machine:

az vm identity assign -g myResourceGroup -n myVm

Create User-assigned managed identity

create identity az identity create -g myResourceGroup -n myUserAssignedIdentity

assign to a resource by specifying these parameters:

--assign-identity <USER ASSIGNED IDENTITY NAME> \
--role <ROLE> \

or to an existing resource:

az vm identity assign \
    -n <VM NAME> \
    --identities <USER ASSIGNED IDENTITY>

Azure App Configuration

Azure App Configuration encrypts sensitive information at rest using a 256-bit AES encryption key provided by Microsoft.

*, ,, and \. These characters are reserved

Key values in App Configuration can optionally have a label attribute

Version key values

App Configuration doesn't version key values automatically as they're modified. Use labels as a way to create multiple versions of a key value.

Query key values

Each key value is uniquely identified by its key plus a label that can be null


Values assigned to keys are also unicode strings.

Manage application features

  • Feature flag: A feature flag is a variable with a binary state of on or off
  • Feature manager: A feature manager is an application package that handles the lifecycle of all the feature flags in an application
  • Filter: A filter is a rule for evaluating the state of a feature flag.

Secure app configuration data

Encrypt configuration data by using customer-managed keys


  • Standard tier Azure App Configuration instance
  • Azure Key Vault with soft-delete and purge-protection features enabled
  • An RSA or RSA-HSM key within the Key Vault: The key must not be expired, it must be enabled, and it must have both wrap and unwrap capabilities enabled

Allow Azure App Configuration to use the Key Vault key:

  1. Assign a managed identity to the Azure App Configuration instance
  2. Grant the identity GET, WRAP, and UNWRAP permissions in the target Key Vault's access policy.

Use private endpoints for Azure App Configuration

Allow clients on a virtual network (VNet) to securely access data over a private link.

Managed identities

A managed identity from Azure Active Directory (AAD) allows Azure App Configuration to easily access other AAD-protected resources, such as Azure Key Vault.

The identity is managed by the Azure platform. It does not require you to provision or rotate any secrets.

Add a system-assigned identity

az appconfig identity assign

Assign the new user-assigned identity to the myTestAppConfigStore configuration store:

az appconfig identity assign --name myTestAppConfigStore \
    --resource-group myResourceGroup \
    --identities /subscriptions/[subscription id]/resourcegroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myUserAssignedIdentity
